Quality Naturally Raised Foods From Our Family To Yours!
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Arctic Blessings Farm

Welcome to our little corner in Alaska. We are beginner farmers in Delta Junction; well actually by the gerstle river bridge. We would like to provide your family with wholesome foods. Our goal is to produce high quality products that you can enjoy. Please feel free to browse through our site. We have Whole fryer chickens, vegetables, and farm fresh eggs. We're excited to introduce in 2025 raw milk; click herdshare options below to learn more.

Herdshare options

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child and cow

Here at Arctic Blessings Farm; we would like to provide the cleanest, and organic food for our families and yours. We use no chemicals on the land. Our fertilization is thru a process called regenerative farming. This allows us to give back to the land what was taken out.

We are producing pastured chickens which provide us with vibrant eggs. Our whole fryer chickens enjoy the freedom of grazing our pastures. We have a variety of livestock which contributes to our environment and improves the soil. We hope you enjoy your visit and would encourage you to try our products and see what the tasty difference is.

Local Fryers and free range eggs

Here at Arctic Blessings farm we love our chickens. Our egg layers enjoy the freedom of our pastured fields. Our Fryer chickens peck along side of them and processed in the most humane way possible. We have limited quantities of our whole chickens so place your order now and we will notify you when they are ready.


At Arctic Blessings farm we believe that the healthiest, most nutrient-dense food comes from the healthiest animals. We know the healthiest animals grow outside on healthy pastures with a polyculture of forages, on soils that are thriving and teaming with life below our feet. We understand our soil to be full of life. The aim of Arctic Blessings farm is to implement farming practices that protect, care for and add to our soils. Join us in making the land better while feeding yourself delicious, healthy food and taste the difference for yourself!


You can order from our inventory at any time. We are planning on delivering to Tok, Delta junction, and Fairbanks. The dates are to be determined. Please login and pick the most convenient pick up or delivery option for you.


Please follow us on social media and join our mailing list for farm newsletters and important offerings. If you have any questions email or call us at 907.616.0478.

Website and Online Farm Store Powered By Eat From Farms